Loveland, Ohio - As the temperature cools and the leaves begin to fall each autumn, an array of traditions start to unfold on Tiger Trail. From Link Crew to Homecoming, the seasonal festivities have a unique way of connecting and uniting the Loveland High School community as school returns for the year. The most highly anticipated tradition of all, however, is the senior student-athlete tradition of paw painting the path leading up to Tiger Stadium. All fall student-athletes, cheerleaders, and marching band members in the class of 2024 have the opportunity to express their creativity and passions on the walkway for all of Loveland to witness. Each year, dozens of students decorate their paws in uniquely personal ways. While all paws have special meanings to their creators, some are more detailed, rare, and downright weird compared to the rest. So today, The Loveland Roar will be ranking the top 10 senior paws.
10. Emily Haught (12) - Girls Volleyball
Although more simplistic than the nine paws ranked higher, the double orange look is a unique, yet visually appealing edge that not many other paws boast.
9. Drew Holman (12) - Football
The four blank fingers leave much to be desired, but the extensive detail of Holman following what has to be a game-changing sack is second to none.
8. Claire Federman (12) - Girls Golf
The paw outline is what separates this from many other sport-centered paws. The unique pattern adds a nice touch to an already consistently designed paw.
7. Charlotte Gordon (12) - Girls Soccer
A pretty basic paw, but the eye of the tiger design is exceptionally well done. The soccer ball in place of the “0” is a nice touch too.
6. Jason Marmer (12) - Boys Soccer
Instead of taking the basic “2024” route with the four fingers, Marmer adds three-dimensional soccer balls which is very rare. The alignment of his name and the illustration of him making a clutch save is a different look than most paws.
5. Anthony Moran (12) - Boys Soccer
From a blind eye, this may just look like an interesting background design, but Moran perfectly replicates Boys Soccer’s home jersey pattern on his paw. A great idea, with even better execution.
4. Avery Dennedy (12) - Marching Band
The artwork on this paw is exceptional. The tiger speaks for itself, and the splatter paint in the four fingers is well executed as well.
3. Dani Hildebrand (12) - Cheerleading
Once again, the double orange works to perfection. A pretty simple pattern, but arguably the cleanest of all paws this fall.
2. Ashley Fancher (12) - Girls Soccer
Another simple paw, and another high ranking. Clean outline, appealing font, and good usage of gray, but obviously, Tony the Tiger steals the show for this one.

1. Conner Wilson (12) - Marching Band
Wilson’s musical name design takes the cake for this fall’s plethora of well-designed paws. The gradient is exceptional, along with extremely detailed fingers to represent the four marching band shows since 2020 to top things off.
Be sure to check out all of the paws on your way up to Tiger Stadium this fall! Be on the lookout in March for the spring edition as all of our spring senior student-athletes will partake in the same tradition as graduation nears!